Convert Watt Hours to Amp Hours
Convert Watt Hours to Amp Hours using our simple Calculator. Just input the watts per hours and get the amp hours as a result.
Watt-Hours to Amp-Hours Converter
Amp-Hours: 0
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Watt-Hours to Amp-Hours Conversion Table
Watt-Hours (Wh) | 120V (US) | 220V (EU) | 240V (UK) |
100 Wh | 0.83 Ah | 0.45 Ah | 0.42 Ah |
200 Wh | 1.67 Ah | 0.91 Ah | 0.83 Ah |
500 Wh | 4.17 Ah | 2.27 Ah | 2.08 Ah |
1000 Wh | 8.33 Ah | 4.55 Ah | 4.17 Ah |
1500 Wh | 12.50 Ah | 6.82 Ah | 6.25 Ah |
2000 Wh | 16.67 Ah | 9.09 Ah | 8.33 Ah |