Mortar Calculator for Brick Wall Laying | How to Calculate Mortar for Brick Wall

Mortar calculator for brick wall laying is available for free to use or if you want to know how to calculate mortar for brick wall then this article will help you to calculate mortar in the easy way. 

Mortar Calculator for Brick Wall Laying​

Mortar Calculator for Brick Wall Laying​

Calculation Results:

How to Calculate Mortar for Brick Wall

If You are building a house and want to know how to calculate mortar quantity for brick work will be used. So that You come to know how much cement will be required and how much sand will be used. To calculate total mortar quantity for a brick wall use the simple formula 

Volume of Mortar= Volume of wall – Volume of all Bricks in a wall

We can calculate volume of wall using this simplest formula

Volume of Wall= Length * Width * Height

Calculation of Volume of Brick is easy but the calculation of Volume of all bricks for a wall is bit tricky

As we know formula to calculate Volume of Brick= Length * width* Height

But to calculate Volume of all bricks in a wall we don’t know the total number of bricks used in wall work so we have to calculate total number of bricks first.

Formula to Calculate Total Number of Bricks = Volume of Wall / Volume of Brick with Mortar

To calculate total number of bricks we need the volume of brick with mortar.

Volume of Brick with Mortar is different with respect to type of wall. For Half Brick wall

Volume of Brick with Mortar = (Length of Brick + 10mm) * Width * (Height of Brick + 10mm)

where as 

For one brick wall

Volume of Brick with Mortar = (Length of Brick + 10mm) * (Width of Brick + 5mm) + (Height of Brick + 10mm)

is For that You have to know that how much bricks will be required and then calculate total volume of bricks and then subtract it from the total 

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